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Editorial #11 2/22/02

More "Pre-Ceasefire" Terrorism: March 20, 2002

16:55 Mar-20-02, 7 Nisan 5762

The Deadly Cease-Fire Game Continues ( Defense Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer stated that despite the serious terror attack today, a quick declaration of a cease-fire is critical to lead to renewed negotiations between Israel and the PA.

Following is a timeline of major terror attacks and thwarted attacks since last Thursdayıs arrival of US Mideast envoy General Anthony Zinni. Despite the ongoing terrorism, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Ben-Eliezer remain determined to comply with calls for a cease-fire, even at the expense of the security of the nation.

Thursday, 14 March a- Three soldiers were killed and two wounded in a morning bomb attack against a tank in Gush Katif. b- Seven terror attacks were thwarted by security forces according to Army Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Shaul Mofaz.

Sunday, 17 March a- One person was killed and 11 wounded in a Kfar Saba shooting attack. b- Nine persons were lightly wounded in a bomb attack against a passenger bus in Jerusalemıs French Hill neighborhood.

Tuesday, 19 March a- An army officer was killed and three soldiers wounded in an attack against a Jordan Valley base. b- Two border policemen were lightly wounded by terrorist gunfire in an attack near Moshav Aviezer near Beit Shemesh.

Wednesday, 20 March a- Seven persons were murdered in a suicide bombing attack against a bus in the Iıron Valley. 29 were injured.

The list does not include the many shooting attack with injuries, as well as attacks with Kassam rockets, mortar shells, bombs, and grenades.



This morning's Nachal I'ron bus slaughter, precisely as Israel is making concessions to achieve a ceasefire and while mediator Gen. Zinni continues his efforts towards this goal, infuriated Israeli politicians on both right and left. "As long as Arafat heads the PA, there is no real chance for a ceasefire," one of the latter was quoted on Ynet. Opposition leader MK Yossi Sarid (Meretz) said, "I am doubtful if a ceasefire is at all possibleŠ Nothing can justify this filthy terrorismŠ There must be international observers..." MK Yossi Katz (Labor): "A ceasefire while terrorism continues to run rampant is not a serious solution."

On the right side of the spectrum, Herut MK Michael Kleiner said, "The fact that the terrorism continues while Sharon makes concessions proves that the Palestinians want to kill more than they want a state... The government, and mainly Shimon Peres, prefer public relations over Jewish livesŠ" MK Tzvi Hendel (National Union) said, "As long as the government continues to be dragged along by Shimon Peres and the Oslo bunch, Israeli citizens will continue to be murdered. We must dismantle the PA, expel the army of terrorists to Tunis, and return the IDF to Yesha."

Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau said, "Our war of independence is still going on. The enemy remains within us, and does not differentiate between Netzarim and Hadera, between Psagot and Afula." The Council of Jewish Communities in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza responded to the latest murders with a demand for the expulsion of Arafat: "As long as Arafat is not expelled from here, the terrorism will also remain here."

Same day:

Seven Dead in Bus Attack

The number of dead in the I'ron Valley (Wadi Ara) suicide-bomber attack this morning has climbed to seven. The murderer exploded himself on a passenger bus traveling from Tel Aviv to Nazareth at about 7 AM this morning. The bus blew up on the critical Hadera-Afula highway near the Musmous Junction. The driver, who was only lightly wounded, related that the killer got on at the Um el-Fahm stop, walked towards the back of the bus, and detonated his powerful explosive seconds later. The 20-plus wounded were transported to HaEmek Hospital in Afula and Hillel Yafeh Hospital in Hadera. Some ten victims are reported in serious condition.

One passenger said, "I travel on this bus frequently, but since many members of the other sector [Arabs] travel on it too, including children, I just never thought that they would get to the point where they blow themselves up as wellŠ" The murderer was a 20-year-old Islamic Jihad member from Jenin.


More "Pre-Ceasefire" Terrorism

Yet another area entered the list of first-time terrorist targets last night. Residents of Moshav Aviezer, south of Beit Shemesh, were instructed to stay in their homes for three hours while security forces pursued terrorists in the vicinity. The drama shortly after midnight with the successful killing of the terrorists, who managed beforehand to lightly wound two Border Guard policemen patrolling the area. An Israeli-Arab motorist was moderately wounded north of Tapuach in the Shomron today; the terrorists who shot at him most likely mistook him for a Jewish motorist since his vehicle has yellow Israeli license plates.

Other "pre-ceasefire" attacks today included: Gunfire at soldiers near the PA airport in Dahaniye, Gaza... A firebombing of a Border Guard patrol near the Orient House in eastern Jerusalem... Gunfire at an army position near a Jewish community in Gaza... A large bomb exploded along the Israeli-Egyptian border this morning, near an IDF force; no one was hurt in these incidents.

The Jerusalem District Court sentenced an eastern Jerusalem resident to 25 years in prison for his involvement in terrorist attacks in Givat Ze'ev and central Jerusalem last July and September. It was also announced today that Jerusalem police had arrested the Arab who transported the suicide terrorist to his deadly Beit Yisrael attack in Jerusalem (11 dead), and two others who drove the killers to their Tel Aviv attack (3 dead) on March 5.

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