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Editorial #17 5/15/02

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Tunnels and Boats and Captured Terrorists
by Harvey Tannenbaum

We thought that we could share some good news
before we sit down for the dairy meal tonight
with the cheesecake for Shavuot.

Three weeks ago, another PLO boat filled with arms began its way from Beirut to Gaza Strip. The IDF intelligence boys who work 25 hours a day,8 days a week in order to save Jewish lives had gotten some information from one of the 'singers' in our prisons from the Barghuti Boys Choir. After so much ice and wiring,the Shabak received some tip about another ship,filled with Hizbollah gifts for the PLO terrorists.

The satellites above began to work overtime to track ships that had left Beirut. Bingo,the ship was found and loaded with katyushas and rockets along with weapons galore. The boat also carried new anti tank missiles that were gifted by Iran to Hizbollah for furtherance of gifting to the PLO. The orders were given by the high command of the IDF to take the ship and capture it a la "Karine A" style of months before. Israel wanted to do a media blitz again of another ship of arms of Yassir.

The PLO crewmen were supposed to get to the coast of Gaza and then drop the barrels filled with ammunition to be picked up by smaller boats of the world reknowned PLO Navy (sic). PLO terrorists dressed as 'fishermen' fishing were to 'fish' for the barrels. The IDF Navy Shayettet Force 13 boys were called into action in late April to go after the ship. As they approached,they were able to count 20 terrorists on board,all heavily armed,ready to go. Unlike the Karine A,this ship had its crew ready for an attack.

Lt. David phoned to his superior officer in Haifa at the headquarters of the Israeli Navy to update the findings of a ship filled with armed and ready terrorists. The Prime Minister was awakened at 2AM and gave the order to sink the ship with a few missiles from the Navy's boats. At 2 30AM,a direct hit,bullseye,scored on the boat, and now those PLO fishermen in Gaza are looking for terrorist bodies instead of barrels. The 50tons of ammunition are gone and floating on the bottom of the ocean. Who knows,maybe our IDF Navy divers will retrieve some of the arms and sell it to the USA?


The Egyptians made a peace treaty with Begin. They continue to speak and act with forked tongues. They supply through the tunnels at Rafiach arms to the PLO while they say they are at peace with Israel. The IDF discovered the 8th tunnel in 3 months yesterday. This tunnel had an elevator,phone system,internet,and communications center. According to Lt. General Avi of the special Sayeret forces in Gaza,the IDF found a big one yesterday.

The house at Rafiach was recently built. The bathtubs were very large,jacuzzi styled,and any Laker basketball player could rest in this oversized bathtub. A 5 meter hole was found under the bathtub of the house captured by the IDF. The width of the tunnel was 80 centimeters and its height was 90 centimeters. The tunnel was lined with wood to support it from caving in on the arms smugglers from Egypt to Gaza.

The tunnel got larger as it approached the Egyptian jurisdiction. The terrorists caught in the tunnel awaiting their next shipment are now with their virgins as the IDF sent them away dead. At 3PM yesterday with cameras rolling (not CNN),the house,the tunnels and the property were blown up by the IDF explosives experts.

The vacant piece of land is now being used as a volleyball court for the IDF soldiers who are stuck there for Shavuot. I think they deserve some mail order cheesecake!

The troops killed some more terrorists in Bityunia during last night,a few more in Ramallah,a few more in Schechem and now the new policy of search and destroy are very successful thanks to the Barghuti Choir which so aptly assists the IDF each night.


Last week (5.5.02) we wondered why the IDF went back into Tul Karem again for the umpteenth time. The head of the military wing of Hamas(is there any other wing?),Abas ElSayad,was capured in Tul Karem last Friday. He quickly joined the Barghuti Choir and sang and sang until his beit....m were blue. He finally admitted last night to the choirmasters at the Shabak that he was the one who sent out the terrorist to the Park Hotel on Passover night in Netanya.

"I sent out Obed Al Basat Odah to Netanya. We planned it for months,and we knew that it had to happen on Passover night to maximize the Jews' deaths. We put on a 10kg. belt of bombs on Obed. I hired another Arab Israeli driver who had the right license plates on his car to pick up Obed. We even printed up a fake teudat zeut(Israeli ID). We thought we would do a bigger hotel in Herzliya and Tel Aviv,but decided on a 'smaller' hotel in Netanya for Passover."

Now we know why the IDF went back into Tul Karem last week. We hope and pray that Abas El Sayad serves no time in our Israeli jails and spend more time sooner than later in Israeli soil,6ft. under.

Good Stories with Nice Endings

Tunnels and Boats and Captured Terrorists

Harvey Tannenbaum
Heading to Jerusalem for an All Nighter
at the Kotel

Israel National News Confirms.

Israel Sunk Weapons Ship
The Foreign Report, published in Britain, reports on an Arab arms-smuggling ship that was sunk by Israeli forces in the Mediterranean in the past two weeks. The ship was on its way from Lebanon to Gaza, laden with much weaponry, particularly katyushas and anti-tank rockets. The report says that although Israeli Intelligence was unable to discern the organization that sent the ship, it was clearly bound for the PA. The plan was for P.A. residents of Gaza to collect the weapons while disguised as fishermen.

The Israeli forces originally intended to capture the ship and put it on display, as they did in the case of the Karin-A arms ship four months ago. However, when it was learned that the 20 crewmen were armed and prepared for an attack, it was decided to simply bomb and sink the ship without a fight.

ARUTZ SHEVA, website, 15 May 2002

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