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Read details of the rally 2/19/02
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Editorial #3 1/28/02

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New Yorkers Stage "Eviction" of Palestinian UN Mission

Some 150 people staged a symbolic eviction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Mission to the UN from New York last night. The "eviction," held in response to the past 16 months of Palestinian terrorism
and particularly the four attacks against Israelis in the past week alone, was noisy and lively, with chanting and singing by demonstrators,
large "eviction notices" citing Palestinian terroristic "violations of lease," signs such as "We Don't Need Arafat's Terror Thugs in New
York," and invitations to passing trucks and cars to "Honk if You Hate Terror." The demonstration was coordinated by the Coalition for
Jewish Concerns-Amcha. Memorial prayers and Psalms for the murdered and wounded Israelis from the most recent attacks were
interwoven with theatrics and speeches delivered by student leaders.

"We come together to declare: No Bin Laden in New York, no Arafat in New York," CJC-Amcha President Rabbi Weiss stated.
"Terrorism is like a cancer. If you don't cut it out, it can jump oceans and hit the Twin Towers. We say to the PLO, get out of here."

The rally followed a gathering a few days earlier of officials from New York's city council and state assembly, as well as US House of
Representatives, who announced plans to do just what the demonstrators demanded. The officials, standing not far from the site of the
former World Trade Center, said that they planned to propose resolutions calling for the closing of the PA's mission to the United
Nations, as well as declare both the PA and the PLO terrorist entities. On the national level, Rep. Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) introduced a
"Peace With Security Act" calling for an end to US aide to the PA. "The US is committed to routing out terrorism wherever it exists," said
Cantor, chairman of the House Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare. "That commitment should be reflected by a refusal
to send any more American taxpayer dollars to Mr. Arafat and his terrorist groups."

ARUTZ SHEVA, website, week of 28, January, 2002,

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