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Shabbat Forshpeis      

A Taste of Torah in Honor of Shabbat

OCOTBER 15-16, 2004/ 1 HESHVAN 5765
By Rabbi Avi Weiss

The picture of Noah’s ark in children’s books with a giraffe neck up, hanging out of the ark, speaks to a fundamental question. How did all the animals, birds and creeping things fit into the ark? (Genesis 6:19)

Ibn Ezra characteristically offers a literal observation. The cubit mentioned in the Torah with respect to building the ark, was of tremendous length--longer than what the Torah would later consider to be the length of a cubit. The ark, for Ibn Ezra, was massive. Hence, it could contain everything.

Ramban disagrees. For him, it was, in fact, miraculous that the ark was able to take in an unlimited number of species that existed. To paraphrase Ramban, a miracle was performed and the small space was able to contain everything.

It is here that Ramban asks—if, in fact, that were the case, why didn’t God ask Noah to build the ark even smaller?

Here Ramban introduces a basic concept concerning miracles. Even when a miracle occurs, humankind must do its share. In the words of Ramban, “this is the way of all miracles in the Torah…..for humankind to do what it can and for the rest to be left in the hands of God.”

Ramban’s position on miracles becomes complete when taking into account his opinion that Avraham (Abraham), in next week’s portion, sinned when he left the land of Israel without God’s permission, because of the famine. Avraham had no right to leave the land without explicit permission from God. (Ramban, Genesis 12:10)

Yet, it could be argued that Avraham, by acting to improve his situation, did not sin. He did what he had to, and did not rely on miracles to save himself and his family.

Bearing in mind Ramban’s passion for Zion as found in the Noah story, a possible solution to the Avraham inconsistency comes to mind. Ramban argues that the olive branch brought by the dove after the deluge, came from the land of Israel, which was not destroyed during the flood. (Ramban, Genesis 8:11) For Ramban, Israel is in a unique category. When it comes to the land of Israel, we can rely on miracles. Avraham should therefore not have left, he should have kept hope that God would intervene—as the land of Israel escaped the deluge so would it survive the famine.

When considering the courage of many Israelis living on the border, who, despite bombardments from the enemy over the years, held their ground and refused to budge, Ramban’s comments come to mind. We’re not to rely on miracles. But relative to the State of Israel, God watches even more closely.

Rabbi Avi Weiss

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