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Shabbat Forshpeis      

A Taste of Torah in Honor of Shabbat

MARCH 10-11, 2006 / 11 ADAR 5766
By Rabbi Avi Weiss

In both the Purim and Joseph stories, seemingly meaningless sub plots eventually turn into major focal points.
In the Purim story, Mordechai exposes the plot to kill King Ahashverosh.  The plotters are hanged and Mordechai's good deed is recorded in the Book of Chronicles. (Esther 2:21-23)
This narrative appears unimportant until much later when Ahashverosh, unable to sleep, has the Book of Chronicles read to him.  When hearing of Mordechai's actions, he arranges for Mordechai to be led through the streets of Persia with great honor.  This leads to Mordechai's ascent to power. (Esther Ch. 6)
A similar episode unfolds in the Joseph story.  The butler and baker have dreams that Joseph interprets.  Joseph correctly predicts that the baker will be hanged and that the butler will return to his place in the palace. (Genesis Ch. 40)
Once again, a seemingly insignificant story, until years later, when Pharaoh cannot sleep and seeks to have his dreams interpreted.  Here the butler steps in, telling Pharaoh of Joseph's great interpretive skills.  (Genesis 41:9-13)
Rabbi David Silber points out that both the butler and Ahashverosh remember a past good deed only when it serves to benefit them.  The Megillah actually explicitly states that the king was told of Mordechai's heroism immediately after it took place (Esther 2:22), yet he chose to ignore it up until the point of that famous sleepless night.  Only when in personal turmoil does he remember Mordechai.
This is also the case in the story of Joseph.  Although Joseph had requested that the butler remember him, he does not.  Only when Pharaoh is in personal chaos and the butler senses that he could get some credit in recommending Joseph, does he come forward.
Note the parallels in language. Joseph asks the butler to remember his dreams (ki im zechartani—Genesis 40:14). The butler fails to do so (ve-lo zachar—Genesis 40:23).  Later, before Pharaoh, the butler states: “My sin I remember (mazkir) today.”  (Genesis 41:9)  In other words, the butler realized that he failed to recall Joseph's greatness earlier.  Similarly in the Megillah narrative, Mordechai’s heroism was read by the King in the book of records of the chronicles (zichronot, divrei hayamim - Esther 6:1).  Not surprisingly Purim falls on the day in the week following Shabbat Zachor.
Some people remember out of altruism, others from selfishness.  The butler and Ahashverosh are examples of the latter type--they remember only when it suits their fancy.  Our challenge is to remember the actions of others and keep them in our consciousness at all times, even at the times when we have little to gain.  We must remember not because it suits us, but we must do so because it’s simply the right thing to do.
Rabbi Avi Weiss is Founder and Dean of Yeshivat Chovevei Torah, the Open Orthodox Rabbinical School, and Senior Rabbi of The Hebrew Institute of Riverdale.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Avi Weiss

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