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Shabbat Forshpeis      

A Taste of Torah in Honor of Shabbat

AUGUST 22-23, 2008/ 22 AV 5768
By Rabbi Avi Weiss

This week's portion begins with the statement "Ve-hayah ekev tishmeun et ha-mishpatim ha-eileh - and if you listen to these laws" reward will come (Deuteronomy 7:12-15). Since the common Biblical term for "if" is "im," many commentators have wondered why the Torah uses the word "ekev" instead.

In one of his most famous comments, Rashi notes that the word ekev connotes a human heel. What the text is teaching is the importance of keeping those commandments that seem less important, like the dirt that one kicks up with one's heel. The message is simple: what appears to be less important is of great importance. In fact, reward depends on keeping the ekev-type commandments.

Alternatively, ekev can mean to pursue, like one running on his or her heels to attain a certain goal. True reward comes to an individual who not only keeps the commandment, but does so with eagerness and anticipation. The yearning reflects an excitement that translates into a higher level of commandment performance.

Much like the heel is the extremity of the body, ekev also refers to the redemptive period that will come at the end of days (aharit ha-yamim). That time of redemption will come when there is a commitment to listen to the words of the Torah which direct us to lead ethical lives in accordance with God's will.

One last thought. Perhaps ekev reminds us of our forefather, Yaakov (Jacob) who was born holding the heel of his brother Esau. Yaakov is later is given an additional name – Yisrael. The name Yaakov, refers to our third patriarch as an individual – husband, father, brother, and son. Yet whenever the Torah calls him by the name Yisrael, it has far reaching implications for the development of the Nation of Israel.

From this perspective, ekev tishmeun is the counterpoint and amazing parallel of Shema Yisrael (Deuteronomy 6:4) which we read just last week. Shema Yisrael speaks of our responsibility as part of the Nation of Israel to keep the commandments and profess belief in God. Ekev tishmeun serves as a safeguard to remind us that we not only have communal responsibilities, but each of us as individuals, must explore our personal relationship with God.

Sometimes it is easier to follow the law as part of a nation, as this is a public statement, open for all to watch. The challenge is to commit when one is alone. The redemptive period will arrive when not only the nation connects with God, but when each one of us, like Yaakov, quietly, modestly, and without fanfare, yearns to keep and observe even the smallest of mitzvot.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Avi Weiss

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