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Shabbat Forshpeis      

A Taste of Torah in Honor of Shabbat

SEPTEMBER 7-8, 2007 / 25 ELUL 5767
By Rabbi Avi Weiss

In the portion of Va-yelekh, Moshe (Moses) declares that God has not permitted him to enter the land of Israel. (Deuteronomy 31:2)
There are specific reasons which explain why Moshe was denied this right. The classical approach is that Moshe sinned when he hit rather than talked to the rock. (Numbers 20:7-13) The Midrash points out that Moshe may have been denied entry for killing the Egyptian who had attacked a Jewish slave. (Exodus 2:11-12) Moshe, according to the Midrash, could have used less force to stop the Egyptian. But is there a more general message that can be learned from the decision to ban Moshe from setting foot into the land he longs to see?
The classic work on Jewish mysticism, the Zohar, stresses the spiritual growth from Noah to Avraham (Abraham) to Moshe and beyond. (Vayerah 218-220) While Noah remained silent when told by God that the world would be destroyed, Avraham engaged God in debate when hearing that the city of Sodom would be devastated. Moshe takes it to another level. Not only does he intercede when God tells him that the Jews would be "consumed" for building the Golden Calf, but throws his personal lot in with his people: If you do not forgive the people's sin, he says to God, "erase my name from the book You have written.” (Exodus 32:32)
The message is clear. Avraham did what Noah could not do. Moshe reaches an even higher level than Avraham. But it can be suggested that even Moshe could not realize all of his dreams. He doesn't enter the land; this is left for his disciple Joshua and future generations.
"It is not for you to complete the task," says Rabbi Tarphon, "but neither are you free to refrain from it." (Ethics 2:21) We are all part of Jewish history, and the most crucial aspect of that history is that we are all part of a process.
Perhaps for this reason the Torah uses the expression, "and you will return until (ad) the Lord your God." (Deuteronomy 30:2) The word "ad" implies that as high as one reaches spiritually, as close as one comes to God, one never arrives, the goal is never completed, indeed, there are always more steps to be taken.
A delightful tale makes this very point. A rebbe once turned to his disciples and asked, "There is a ladder with 50 rungs. One Chassid is on the 25th rung, another on the 10th. Who is higher?" "Has our rebbe gone mad?" the students asked each other. "Of course, the one on the 25th." "No, my children," answered the rebbe. "It depends on which way you're going."
Just a few days before Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur whose central theme is growth and transformation, this message deserves consideration. It teaches that the most important element of teshuvah (repentance) is moving in the right direction—reaching higher, higher and higher still.

Shabbat Shalom,

Rabbi Avi Weiss

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